Why Montessori Education?

We take the "whole child" approach. The primary goal of a Montessori program is to help each child reach full potential in all areas of life. Activities promote the development of social skills, emotional growth and physical coordination as well as cognitive preparation. The holistic curriculum, under the direction of a specially trained teacher and a specifically prepared environment, allows the child to experience the joy of learning, with time to enjoy the process and ensure the development of self-esteem, as well as provide the experiences from which children create their knowledge.
Peace Education
A Montessori classroom is a constant lesson in good manners. When they take work off the shelf, they must return it in better and cleaner condition than they found. A very consistent phrase the teachers use is “Make sure it is ready for the next person.” The age group of The Cottage Montessori students is 3 to 6 years of age, so you can imagine with over 100 works on the shelves that, they are quite busy with the organization of putting each work back. They are showing respect to the materials we provide them and to their peers. We know by their facial expression and body language that they organized and cleaned the work to the best of their ability for their age.

We do not expect perfection.
This is only one example of the 13 lessons of Peace Education. Through the structure of Grace and Courtesy, children can practice respectful communication and are given tools to respond to others. The Peace Education lessons are invaluable tools for a lifetime of understanding that the things you say and the things you do affect other people.